Sadly we have had to close our store

It is with much sadness that we advise all our valued customers that we have closed our store.

Sunday 30th June was the last day our store has taken any orders.

Please note that all current orders in our system will be honoured or refunded. We will work through and complete all of these over the next three months.

Please also note that we are hoping to re-commence selling through our online store once again in about 36 months.

This has not been an easy decision; for the last 14 years we have made and sold a range of parts for old Toyota models and its been more than just a magnificent journey. We have delighted so many people by helping them complete their Toyota projects with parts that were no longer available from TMC and from any other vendor. And we have truly loved having made and sold these parts.

The reason why we are closing is because; Family must come first and we also will need to rebuild the supply side of our business.

Over the last few years we have had to divert our attention to some significant family matters. These matters have made it extremely difficult to devote the time needed to manage and run our business. We still have some of these significant family matters to deal with and for that reason we know its unfair to our customers to keep bumping along like we have been for the last two to three years.

The Covid19 period was followed by some major floods that we had in our home town, and while we sort of recovered from these impacts to our business and got back on top of delays in deliveries, the family matters arrived shortly afterwards.

On the supply side of things; some of our customers know we make some items in-house and some are made under contract with long term partners. A number of our long term partners have stopped manufacturing and we have to find suitable partners to go forward with - which is an incredibly time intensive process.

No doubt some of you have had delays for your parts way beyond any acceptable length of time. Some folks have been really understanding and others understandably have been very pissed off at us. For these delays we sincerely apologise.

We've struggled to maintain communications with our customers too. Just too many channels nowadays and it needs somebody managing them full time.

We now have to reel back in the current situation with orders and devote all our time and effort to our family and rebuilding the supply side of the business.

We were so reluctant to make the decison to close the store that we looked for a suitable party to either manage and operator or buy our business, so that we could focus on family and the supply side of our business. But we could not find a suitable party for either. We are still open to discusisons if anybody would like to contact us for this purpose.

There will be no 'closing down sale' - the stock we have on hand will be maintained for a later time.

Again we must say our deepest thanks to all our customers who have helped make this business and provided us with much joy over the last 14years. 

We look forward to getting back to business in the future and talking to all our valued customers once again.

Sincerely, the team at Koromo Heritage

Build Plates for Publica and Starlet

Build plates are a wonderful way to finish off your Toyota Publica or Toyota Starlet project. It doesn't matter if its a full period correct restoration, slightly updated resto or a even a resto-mod. The make the engine bay of your Toyota Publica or Toyota Starlet neat and complete, and show that you have a real attention to detail.

Owners of Publica models and the early Starlet models are well catered for. Koromo Heritage is able to provide a complete reproduction of the English version build plate for the earliest Publicas produced and exported from Japan, the P10 range such as the UP10 and its UP10D and UP10LV siblings .

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English version build plate as used on Publica UP10 and all other exported Toyota models to 1964 -   available from Koromo Heritage.

Korormo Heritage also produce the Japanese version build plate that was used mostly domestically in Japan but also on some exported Publicas into some markets.

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English version build plate as used on Publica UP10 and all other exported Toyota models to 1964 -   available from Koromo Heritage.

But the most impressive build plate that Koromo Heritage is able to supply you is that which was used exclusively on Publicas sold as a Toyota 700. 

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Toyota 700 build plate - available from Koromo Heritage

By the time Toyota were producing the P30 Publicas and the P40 and P50 Starlets, they had been using a more 'universal' build plate up until about 1974. Koromo Heritage is also able to supply this plate and while it looks similar to the build plate used till 1964 it is in fact slightly different.

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Build plate as used on all Toyota models to 1974 including KP30 KP40 and KP50 - available from Koromo Heritage.

For the P60 Starlets such as KP60 models, Koromo Heritage have made two plates that are specific to markets such as New Zealand and have printed detail for the gear box and axle codes.

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P60 Starlet build plates with printed data for gearbox and rear axle available from Koromo Heritage.

KP60 models with a 2K engine and that were exported to many more countries picked up a build plate that is much smaller and has only two screw holes. This plate was sized to that which Japan and other production centres such as Australia had shifted to in the early 1980's. Koromo Heritage is able to supply this type of plate.

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P60 Starlet build plates for models with 2K engine and as exported to markets such as Europe - available from Koromo Heritage.

Koromo Heritage has been making build plates for various model Toyota vehicles now for well over a decade and we have over 100 different plates available for Toyota models.

Our brushed aluminium plates are correct in every fastidious detail from the fonts and Japanese characters right through to their dimensions and even the size and placement of screw holes. Our plates also have the correct corners be they square or rounded and are far superior to any other build plates offered in the market.

The purchase price includes the stamped data specific to your vehicle being put on the plate you order.

If you would like a build plate for your Toyota Publica or Toyota Starlet they can be found in the Publica and Starlet department of our store:

Please send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you cannot find the build plate you are looking for.

Seventh Gen Celica Moulded Carpets are coming to Koromo Heritage

Owners of seventh generation Celicas can now rejoice - after years of seeing owners of previous generation Celicas have new moulded carpets to replace worn original carpet in their cars, T230 series Celica owners will soon be able to buy a new moulded carpet from us here at Koromo Heritage.

Koromo Heritage has been working on bringing the seventh gen Celica moulded carpets to market for some time now; it all started during the pandemic when we had a chance to rescue a nice clean floored wreck from a close friend. So this means that these new moulded carpets for the ZZT230 and ZZT231 Celica built between 1999 and 2006 are true to the form of the floor of an actual car.

We will be offering our newest moulded carpets in two piles - plush (aka cut) and loop, and additionally they will be available for you to select from one of 14 colours. So if you're doing an OEM type resto we'll have your colour and if you've selected to do something a little more custom we are certain one of our colours will suit your build too.

The moulded carpets are also going to be supported by the release of matching cargo area mats. So no matter which colour or pile you select you can also get a cargo area mat to match for your 7th gen Celica ZZT230 or ZZT231.

The launch for the Seventh Generation Celica moulded carpets and cargo area mats will be in second half of April - just after we're back from Easter break!

Keep watching and following our Facebook page where we will launch this wonderful new addition to our carpet catalogue.

Generic moulded carpet image CopySeventh Generation Celica ZZT230 and ZZT231 moulded carpets to replace your original worn out carpets are on their way to Koromo Heritage



In 2023 we are changing the way we do business

In 2023 we are changing the way we sell our products to our customers.

No longer will our products be 'generally listed' in our online store - they will be classified into one of three groups (see further below)

We are doing this because we learned a lot through the pandemic years - not only about us, but also about our customers. The delays in shipping product to our customers have made us completely rethink the way we do business. Whilst we have been privileged and grateful to have customers who have stood by us and waited between three and 12months for their orders, these kind of delays are unacceptable and although material supply disruption is disappearing we have no guarantees that we won't experience another pandemic or event that will disrupt our material supply.

Up till the covid pandemic our business has been ostensibly a 'make to order' with most (98%) orders being shipped within the 28days payment to shipping date schedule that we offer in our standard terms and conditions; and the longest lead times we truly experienced were about 60 days when a few things hiccupped along the way. The covid pandemic though blew this out dramatically as it not only had material supply impacts but also demand (sales) went very high with folks spending more time at home and working on their projects. We also experienced three flood interruptions to our business in the start of 2022 that didn't help the situation at all.

Our business simply cannot sustain this kind of impact! So to this end we are changing how we do things and this is how our business will change in 2023, with products in our online store classified as:

1. In Stock

  • In Stock Items are basically any product that is not flagged as "Made to Order" or "Non Stock". 
  • As available stock gets close to zero, the Stock On Hand value will be displayed eg "2 in Stock". 
  • The Stock On Hand allows customers to see if we are running low on stock.
  • When all stock of a given item has been sold the item will become a "Non Stock" item.
  • More stock will eventually become available, but its best to register your interest to buy which helps us to prioritise manufacturing runs.
  • Shipping of Stock Items is up to 14 days after receipt of payment.

2. Made to Order

  • Made to Order items are items which we manufacture after purchase and payment has been made by the customer.
  • On all Made to Order items you will see this: NOTE! This item is Made To Order
  • Made to Order items are specific to the purchasing customer's requirements.
  • Typically, these are items where there are many combinations or options and it is simply impractical to keep one of every variant on the shelf.
  • Manufacturing lead time can be up to two weeks from receipt of payment.
  • Shipping of Made to Order items is up to 28 days from receipt of payment, depending on the item.

 3. Non Stock Item

  • Non Stock Items are items which we currently have no stock of.
  • Typically, we can obtain more of these items or have more manufactured.
  • These items can have a long lead time of several months due to manufacturing requirements.
  • On all Non Stock items you will see this: NOTE! This is a Non Stock Item
  • There is also a Yellow button to register your interest to purchase this item at a later date.
  • Be sure to register your interest to buy these items If you would like to purchase one.
  • Registering your interest in a Non Stock Item will help guide the manufacturing priority of the selected item.
  • Koromo Heritage will contact you at the time when more of the item are going to be manufactured.

We also run Expressions of Interest ('EOI') for some items that are Non Stock Items, and in some instances this will see certain products available only once a year. 

For folks who purchase items across our range and where it includes a mix of Stock Items, Made to Order and Non Stock Items we will be part-shipping their order. We commenced doing this in the later half of 2022 and it seems to be the best way forward to ensure that our customers' needs are being met.

All of our products have buttons on the listing so you can check the definition of our product classifications - but you can also go directly to our definitions page at any time and by clicking this link:

These changes will be implemented during February and will be completed by the start of March 2023.

Our focus remains on making the products that our customers are demanding and buying from us. We acknowledge that many of you have been trying to contact us and continue to find this difficult or there is a lengthy delay in us replying. This is mostly due to our operating hours being spent working making the parts to fill the orders and dealing with supply challenges. We have always been open in saying email is the best method to contact us as we can do this in the afterhours and we can also keep a thread of the communications. Our email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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Koromo Heritage - the way we do business is changing in 2023, but we are still the same team that's been helping Toyota Enthusiasts for more than a decade..


Sincerely, Gary


Material Supply Disruptions - Update Feb 2023

This news story is part of our ongoing communications to keep our valued customers informed of our progress to overcoming our shipping delays that resulted from the impacts of material supply disruptions caused by the covid pandemic.

It is important to note that these delays are mostly for our plastics products such as lenses. Most other products that we make and sell are still being shipped within our 28day shipping period from receipt of payment.

Three months ago we posted our first news story regarding the ongoing impacts our business was experiencing due to material supply disruptions caused by the covid pandemic. In the interim period we also have posted two other news stories that also discuss this issue, including our Christmas news story.

We continue to convey our apologies for our customers who are still awaiting shipment of their purchases. The number of customers still waiting is reducing though and the good news is that we are slowly clawing our schedule back and have whittled down the 12 month delay to around seven months. This means that the oldest order we still have to fulfil was placed in late July 2022. We worked across the Christmas holiday season to maintain the momentum and this has helped 

Please be assured that we are still working as hard as we can to have your parts made and shipped even though you may have been waiting well beyond the '28day payment to shipping period' in our standard terms and conditions. We do operate under some of the world's most stringent consumer laws (Australian consumer law) and as such we continue to honour every sale made.

Going forward into 2023 and to continue to help reduce shipping delays (and get back to business as usual) we have invested in additional equipment so that when we do have material supply we can produce goods in parallel and up our daily production rate. We also continue to look at investment in more equipment to assist lift production further again. Our most recent investments have been in equipment to produce lenses and headlight protectors.

This year and very soon we will also change the way we list and make available our products. There will be some product lines that will have limited production each year, while others will be available on an ongoing basis. As there is no guarantee that the world won't find itself in yet another pandemic, we are making this change to our business and online store to help avoiding any further shipping delays due to material supply disruptions!

Our focus remains on making the products that our customers are demanding and buying from us. We acknowledge that many of you have been trying to contact us and continue to find this difficult or there is a lengthy delay in us replying. This is mostly due to our operating hours being spent working making the parts to fill the orders and dealing with supply challenges. We have always been open in saying email is the best method to contact us as we can do this in the afterhours and we can also keep a thread of the communications. Our email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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Koromo Heritage - our name may have changed in 2022, but we are still the same team that's been helping Toyota Enthusiasts for more than a decade..

Our business has now been making and selling reproduction parts for over a decade. We have been trusted by more than 1000 customers worldwide and have provided them with much enjoyment with our products that enhance their classic Toyota's appearance or performance. We certainly plan to keep doing this and want to assure all our customers we are working towards getting your order to you as soon as we can.

We do offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience we may have caused our valued customers and we continue to work towards getting your products delivered to you.

Sincerely, Gary


Merry Christmas - we know we're on the naughty list

As 2022 draws to a close and the festive season is upon us, we here at Koromo Heritage (formerly Toyota Heritage) want to say Merry Christmas to all our Customers. 

As the headline above says, we know that we have been on the naughty list this year. So we also want to say a huge THANK YOU to those customers who have stood by us in what has been one of our toughest years.

Some customers have stood by us waiting months for delayed shipments, while others have been supportive across social media platforms knowing that we have been around for 10 years and that we ultimately stand by every single order placed with us.

We have been naughty though as we haven't always communicated with our Toyota enthusiasts and customers on an individual level as to where things are up to with their order. We are sorry for this and in 2023 are working towards getting much better at keeping in contact with you.

As we have reported previously in our Latest News section, most if not all of our delays have been due to the impacts of supply chain disruptions during the preceding two years of covid lockdowns in various regions around world. While we make nigh on everything we sell here in Australia, the people who supply us are equally part of the global supply chains that feed to our end products.

We experienced these supply-chain interruptions whilst also experiencing the greatest demand for our products and a major growth phase of our business. It was like a perfect storm to really create some problems and sadly really upset some of our customers - we can't apologise enough!

Many of you will have noticed that one of the things we did this year was to cool down our advertising and promotion from around August - this was done to allow us to work solely on finishing and fulfilling orders already on hand. Items we did advertise and promote since then have been those that we literally had units on hand for.

To iron out some of the remaining back order problems and delayed shipping that we still have we will be changing our business model in 2023. 

Some of our listed items will only be sold via an Expression of Interest ('EOI') process and will be done in a single batch run for the year. This means that we get greater confidence in demand and match supply better. It also means that for some items they will only be available once a year, and once sold it may be a full 12 months until they're available again.

We did a few other things during the year that will add value to following our business and being supplied from Koromo Heritage. We have invested in equipment of our own to remove the reliance on third party supply as part of making our finished products.

This will mean that we also get to start supplying some new product lines too! We are planning to expand our range of carpets and mats, and also introduce headlight protectors for more old model Toyota vehicles and even introduce some door cards too. We also plan to return to a project we started in 2021 - undertrays for improved performance of your track day car.

Above all though we truly plan to get back to business as usual, be far more engaging with our customer base and do good business.

So here's also wishing all our customers a happy new year and a very bright and prosperous 2023.

If you'd like to make contact regarding our plans in 2023, please send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .



Some of our lenses will not be in production during 2023

We're making a tough decision here at Koromo Heritage - we are going to cut production on some of our lenses. The lenses that will be mostly affected by this are larger lenses and more complex lenses as they require greater quantities of materials which has been impacting our capacity to make and ship the lenses our customers are buying.

For most of us in many ways COVID and its impacts have now passed. This is not foregoing that the disease is still claiming lives and we are not diminishing this fact.

But for us here at Koromo Heritage there is a legacy left by the material supply chain interruptions of the past two years - we are still only getting limited supply of what we need and we have a backlog of orders still to fulfil.

As most of your know we bascially 'make to order' when you buy from us - but what this means is that when we have an order for a given lens we then make a short run of that lens at that time. This means that a handful of customers get a shorter turnaround from time to time.

So when we say we are cutting production of certain lenses, this means we are not going to take an order for the first pair that then sets the short run of production into play.

We are truly grateful to customers who have waited over lengthy delays and even more grateful that some customers are still waiting patiently as we catch up.

Making the lenses is only part of the story for us though; because when you get backlog of orders like we have had its almost impossible to keep up with enquiries for the delayed orders. 


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S50 Crown Ute and Wagon tail lamp lenses - not in production during 2023 but a limited stock on hand as we publish this article.

What you will start to see and in order to get on top of the backlog of orders for our lenses, during 2023 there will appear the 'Out of Stock' icon on those lenses that we will not be taking orders for and therefore also not making any short production of. 

Should the year see us get back in front of lens orders and material supply significantly improve we will of course return to making these lenses.

Equally if there is an overwhelming request come demand for a particular lens we will review the production schedule and look to bring the demanded lens back into production.

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Corolla and Sprinter E10 front parker indicator lenses will not be made during 2023, but we still have a limited stock on hand for now.

Posted on our Facebook page ( will be those lenses that this production cut will affect. Additionally if we return any particular lens to production we will also make a post on our Facebook page.

We must stress that this is not a permanent situation and we are working away to get back to where we make and sell the full range of lenses we've had in the past, and we continue to grow that range.

We must also stress that this issue only affects lenses. All other product offerings are unaffected.


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Tail lamp lenses to suit FJ35, FJ45 early FJ55 Land Cruisers, as well as the S30 Crown wagons - production will be put on hold in 2023 as we catch up.

If at this time there is any lens our page that you are concerned may have production cut, please send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that we can start to collate demand for the lens.



A40 Celica Headlight Protectors - returning to regular availability January 2023

Nothing says 1980's style more than headlight protectors for your A40 series Toyota Celica and we are so happy to let the world know that we are just a handful of weeks away from their re-release to market after many months of investment and development.

In January 2023 our A40 Celica (series B) Headlight protectors will be once again available! 

This has been a long and arduous process to get these made and deliver four sets to four of our most cherished customers who have waited in some cases 12 months for these. We cannot thank these customers enough for their patience!

The following pics are of our first off tooling samples of the A40 Celica (series B) headlight protectors that have been made using our own in-house machinery and equipment that arrived in our hands mid year. 


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A40 Celica (series B - square headlamp) headlight protectors will be market ready in January 2023 .

The back story to this is that we had a couple of manufacturers previously involved in making these for us and when covid came along we not only had material supply disruptions but our manufacturers had greater priority in making 'covid screens'. 

Our A40 Celica (series B) headlight protectors were selling well up and until this time and as the last set left our stockroom some more orders rolled in. Our manufacturer had told us it would be 18 months before they could even think about doing anything like our headlight protectors due to being overwhelmed with other work. By mid 2022 and after 8 months of the contracted manufacturer making no progress we took our own direction and through a related business we purchased our own equipment. 

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Our new business name and additional application information will be on the slightly redesigned A40 Celica (series B) head light protectors.

Those who have been waiting for their orders to be fulfilled and those waiting for us to have these back in regular availability will have noticed that we haven't been push marketing our headlight protectors on social media over the last 10 months. Again we can't thank you enough for your patience and understanding, and we are so happy to say its not long now until we will be express shipping yours to you. 

We still have some of the tinted units on hand from the original production run in 2019 too - for anybody who may have an interest in them.

The real upside to having invested in our own equipment and people to make these headlight protectors is that we are now no longer hamstrung by others and can now also focus on getting headlight protectors made for other models including the A40 Celica series A (round headlamps) and even the A20 Celicas and more.

If you have any interest in purchasing a set of these headlight protectors or for other models, please send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that we can start to collate demand.



Keeping your classic Toyota project going as our Economy changes

Every classic car owner will tell you there is some real joy in owning and maintaining a classic car, and especially during an economic downturn. No doubt this joy is the mental health benefits that your classic car can bring you - there's the driving and maintaining as a key distraction from the everyday hum drum, but there is also the joy of still searching and obtaining parts even if your car is not yet a driver and your disposable income has declined.

For cars still in the project phase, as the economy changes you may not be looking to do the major rust removal and respray that you'd been planning, you're probably putting that on the back burner. So what to do?

Well for owners of cars in the project phase now is a great time to locate and secure all the little things that will make your project complete once things get better and you can afford that big ticket item like the respray or engine rebuild. 

Koromo Heritage has an amazing number of small parts that help complete your project and some that even make your restoration an easier task. For owners of cars still in the project phase this is what Koromo Heritage can supply you with for well less than $100:

Decals - Koromo Heritage has probably the worlds largest catalogue of decals specifically used for Toyota models. From under bonnet (hood) decals for cars with K, M, R, S, T and U engine variants through to decals for radiators, brake boosters and paint codes Koromo Heritage has it covered.  Our decal catalogue is always expanding and it pays to check back in our store periodically to look for new decals in our range. Decals prices start at A$7.50 plus postage.


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ASCO brake booster decal as used on Celica and many other models - one of more then 100 different decals available from Toyota Heritage.

Build plates - Korormo Heritage has around 100 different build plates in its catalogue. Some are very specific, like that used on the MF10 2000GT while others are very multi-model for various cars built from 1958 to about 2005. Koromo Heritage has build plates that are also engine specific in its range too - from F, H and B engines such as those used in Land Cruisers through to 18RG build plates that were used in Celicas through to about 1986. Most of our plates are priced at A$85 each (excl. shipping) and this includes the stamped data specific to your vehicle.


Clips and fasteners - Koromo Heritage also has an amazing range of plastic clips and fasteners that are used for affixing and installing both interior and exterior parts. While these are mostly for cars built from the late 1970's onwards, Koromo Heritage does have some that are suitable for cars built before 1975 such as grille and headlight screw mounting fasteners. 

Lenses and interior lamp domes - our reproduction lenses and interior lamp domes are second to none. Lenses for side markers and similar small lenses are available for many models such as Corolla, Publica, Tiara and Corona and start at around A$65 per pair plus shipping. Koromo Heritage's interior dome reproductions are also top notch and start at around A$75 each plus shipping - we have domes for Land Cruiser, Stout, Corona and Crown plus others.



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Front indicator lens suitable for early build FJ55 Land Cruiser - just one of many lens sets for less than A$100 available from Koromo Heritage.

Six Row Fuse Box - this Koromo Heritage reproduction part is a complete Gem. Reproduced in excruciating detail our covers have all the fuse names and the correct emblem in the correct place. Priced at A$50 each plus shipping they are one of those pieces that show case your attention to detail and keep the original look and feel of your Toyota classic well and truly alive.

Ignition leads - although mostly priced above the $100 level, but crucial for folks who are maintaining their pride and joy Toyota classic, Koromo Heritage is able to supply you with genuine Eagle Brand Ignition leads. Some kits are priced just below A$100 (plus shipping) and prices do go to A$250 for some really exclusive sets but there is virtually no Toyota engine that we cannot supply leads for - be that for your 4, 6 or V8. All of our lead kits are made to correct OEM lengths and have the correct cup and boots to suit your specific engine - they are not one size fits all. If you have a need for an ignition lead kit and can't see it our store please send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

We are here to help and as fellow enthusiasts we not only understand the joy your classic Toyota vehicle brings but we also know the joy of finding the right parts to keep the project going and keeping your dream well and truly alive!


Material Supply Disruptions - An Update

We want to say we're sorry. So we start this article with a sincere apology to our customers who have been waiting some excessive periods for their purchased items.

Please be assured that we are working as hard as we can to have your parts made and shipped even though you may have been waiting well beyond the '28day payment to shipping period' in our standard terms and conditions.

The covid pandemic may have passed and for most folks life is seemingly back to normal. However for us much of the materials used in making our products and our tooling is still an interrupted activity from the vendors who sell these materials to us. Something as simple as a dye for example can have a delay of four months now until its shipped to us, and then take another four weeks before its cleared customs and in our workshop - and that gives all sorts of grief in our delivery to you our valued customer.


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The former "TH" shield logo is largely unchanged albeit it now sports our new name Koromo Heritage.

We have tried to contact everybody with an order that we can see has been affected by these disruptions and we apologise for any folks we may have missed. It is a constant WIP in contacting people and also trying to restrict sales of products that are, were or going to be affected at any given point in time. Its a moving target the whole time.

We honour every sale made though. We are happy to openly discuss that we had one customer who owns a Celica wait patiently for nearly two years to get his parts. That's our worst case and thankfully this was only with one person, but we stand by our resolve to deliver no matter how long it takes. The longest wait is about six months currently and this is for certain lenses that we have had to retool for.

You may have seen some of our products still being promoted through social media and be thinking how can they do that when I am still waiting for my order from four months ago. The products we are promoting in social media though are those which we either already have made a small batch of and are holding some stock or alternatively they are products that are not impacted by the material supply issues we are experiencing.

Our floor mats and carpets are not impacted by any of this and all of our build plates and decals are also largely unaffected. Our sway bar material supply time has improved dramatically in the last eight weeks too.

If you have been trying to contact us you may have also found this difficult or a lengthy delay in us replying. This is mostly due to our operating hours being spent working making the parts to fill the orders and dealing with supply challenges. We have always been open in saying email is the best method to contact us as we can do this in the afterhours and we can also keep a thread of the communications. Our email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

You may have also noticed we have changed our name. This was my personal choice to do so and was always in my plan. It was explained in our previous news artcile . This was not done due to any of the material supply disruptions. 


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The Koromo Seal - three stylised characters that spell Koromo will be increasingly seen on our products.

Our business has now been making and selling reproduction parts for a decade. We have provided many customers with much enjoyment through our products that enhance their classic Toyota's appearance or performance. We certainly plan to keep doing this and want to assure all our customers we are working towards getting your order to you as soon as we can.

We do offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience we may have caused our valued customers and we will continue to work towards getting your products delivered to you.

Sincerely, Gary


Launch of our new business name and logos

Launch of our New Business Name and Logos

Over the last few weeks some of our valued customers had noticed that we were slowly putting in place a new business name and two new logos; and you may have been asking what is this all about.

Well firstly its all good news and our great products are not going to change nor go away. The no longer available ('NLA') parts we make and sell, plus the NOS parts we sell from time to time are still going to be around for a long time to come. We remain committed to our moto and ethos, and working with enthusiasts to bring about the spare parts that they need to improve their vehicles appearance and performance.

So why have we changed our business name? Its simple, we have been doing what we do for 10 years now and the new business name reflects our journey and our future.

Koromo is not only the traditional name of a city in Japan where the manufacturer brand that we love so much was born, but it is also a particular type of Koi. Yes that's right, the Koromo Koi - a type of fish.

Koi are deeply symbolic in Japanese culture, representing life's challenges and the strength to meet those challenges. In Japanese mythology and legend Koi in fact turn into a capable and strong dragon at life's greatest challenges and then go on and prosper.

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The former "TH" shield logo is largley unchanged albeit it now sports our new name Koromo Heritage.

Over the last decade we have endured many challenges since starting our business but perhaps the last three years have been the most challenging with pandemic and local flooding interrupting supply chains and impacting business activity. We are still dealing with these impacts as we make this change to our business name and logos.

Symbolising the decade of challenges and our current challenges we believe the Koromo name is befitting of our business and where we are at.

The old "TH" shield is largely unchanged albeit it now carries the Koromo name. But you may have noticed that we have a new secondary logo too.

Our secondary logo has stylised Japanese Katakana characters that spell the name Koromo in red font encircled by a thin red line and on a white background. We call this the Koromo seal.

We will increasingly use the Koromo seal on our products and promotional facets our business along with the Koromo shield (primary logo). We may from time to time also reverse out the colours of our Koromo seal too or present either logo in a black and white format but you can be assured that where you see these logos and our people that we are there to serve our valued customers and continue to work with fellow enthusiasts to improve the appearance and performance of their beloved Toyota vehicles.

If you have book marked our old "TH" website or have been using our old "TH" email addresses, please make the switch and book mark  as soon as you can and start using This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - there will be a short period of time and then our old "TH" contacts will no longer function.

Over the coming weeks you may also receive an email outlining the name and logo change of our business and we look forward to your feedback.

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The Koromo Seal - three stylised characters that spell Koromo will be increasingly seen on our products.

At Koromo Heritage we are genuinely looking forward to the future.

If you have any questions or feedback regading our business name or change of logo, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yours sincerely, Gary


Floor Mats for your A20 Series Toyota Celica

Toyota Heritage recently completed a set of floor mats and matching boot (trunk) mat for a valued customer's A20 series Toyota Celica - and when we stood back and looked at the finished product we said "how 1970's is that"!

The floor mats and matching boot mat were made from our loop pile carpet and the colour Ginger ("Appino Brown") with a brown edge binding. The drivers side heel mat was added by Toyota Heritage in a matching brown. The finished result is stunning (see for yourself in our pics).

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Toyota Heritage A20 series Toyota Celica Floor Mats in Ginger (Appino Brown)

We think the boot mat also turned out really nice too. This pattern is to suit A20 series Toyota Celica that has the fuel filler cap on the side of the car (ie not the centre fill early type - we are working on a pattern for those cars though). The mat is designed with flaps so that it sits nicely on the floor and sits up correctly on the body brace work that abuts the inside of the rear beaver panel.

Many of our customers may have noticed that we are slowly migrating to new names for our carpet colours. The reason for this that we have previously called this colour 'Ginger' because that's what our carpet manufacturer calls it, but digital photos and a name like Ginger was not helping our customers truly identify the colour of a given our new names are aligned with iconic paint colours used by Toyota themselves - and this is helping our customers get a true sense of the carpet colour. Appino Brown was a colour used on the FJ55 Land Cruisers and was very popular. In fact we think more were built in this colour than any other!


If you're really keen to now purchase either the floor mats or the boot (trunk) mat to suit your A20 series Toyota Celica, please use the following links:

Floor mats:

Boot mat:

Celica A20 boot side fill 1

Toyota Heritage Rear Sway Bar to suit SW20 MR2 - three way adjustable and finished in powder coat.

We were so chuffed with the finished product on these Toyota Celica floor mats that we have now updated the listing in our online store with these pics.

If you wish to find out more details from Toyota Heritage about our floor mat and boot (trunk) mat range then please send us an email using this address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Toyota Heritage's Sway Bar Range Continues to Grow

The range of sway bars available from Toyota Heritage continues to grow on the back of sales around the globe to a diverse range of customers.

It all started with making some sway bars for a customers Toyota Yaris GR-Four and whether our competitors like to admit it or not, Toyota Heritage were in fact globally the first to market with sway bars for the GR Yaris. The sway bars that we offer for the GR Yaris are not only available in the largest range of bar diameter but are also three way adjustable and we sell them as complete kits. Powder coated finish and integrated lateral locks help complete a truly unique offering for GR Yaris owners.

Sales of Toyota Heritage's GR Yaris sway bars have been across a very diverse range of customers. Initially our bars had been sold to a few existing customers who are local to us here in South East Queensland. But after these initial few sales some overseas enquiries started. Before we knew it Toyota Heritage was selling sway bar kits to customers competing in Scandinavian rally, European circuit racing and Japanese motorkana. Over the last six months Toyota Heritage also added a Targa Tasmania competitor to its list of GR Yaris owners sporting Toyota Heritage sway bars too.

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Toyota Heritage Sway Bar Full Car Kit for Toyota Yaris GR-Four

For Toyota Heritage meeting the needs of this diverse range of customers is all part of the joy of what we do. But like all businesses the last two years have presented many challenges with supply-chain disruptions related to covid 19 and local flood events here in South East Queensland. Our sway bar production and supply had been one of the hardest product lines hit by supply-chain disruption and thankfully all our customers have backed us through these tough times and been ultra patient in waiting through delays to get their sway bars. Toyota Heritage can't thank its customers enough for their loyalty and willingness to be patient.  


Like all our product lines here at Toyota Heritage the sales of GR Yaris sway bars opened up discussions with owners and enthusiasts of other Toyota models. Now well into calendar year 2022 and with supply chain disruption easing, Toyota Heritage has completed its R&D for sway bars to suit a few other Toyota models.

The first sway bars to be added to the range in our online store are for some very popular models including:

SW20 MR2 - (rear bar also available in separate listing)

JZA80 Supra - (front bar also available in separate listing)

ZN6 Toyota GT86 -

XV40 Aurion -

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Toyota Heritage Rear Sway Bar to suit SW20 MR2 - three way adjustable and finished in powder coat.

Toyota Heritage also has been developing sway bars for a number of other models, and will look to release these to market in the coming months between now and the end of 2022. These will cater to some of the popular Toyota models yet again but are also those that we have been working with fellow enthusiasts to develop. All our new products will continue to deliver greater value over competitor's bars and will be finished to Toyota Heritage's regular high standards. 

If you wish to find out more details from Toyota Heritage about our sway bar range then please send us an email using this address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Toyota Heritage help complete the fine details on a TA22 Celica

Here at Toyota Heritage we believe its the fine detail stuff that makes a big difference in the restoration of your Toyota project - it makes your car complete and neat. Our customer Steve who lives in Tasmania (Australia) tends to agree and last year purchased an 'under bonnet' decal and also was one our earliest customers to take up our service offering for refurbishment of cam covers.

Steve's car is the beautiful little 1973 TA22 Toyota Celica you see before you here. Dressed us with some GT steelies (wheels) and bonnet vents you can tell Steve loves the fine details. Steve installed his refurbished cam cover earlier this year and has sent us some great shots of his TA22 Toyota Celica and the parts he purchased from us. Seen here in a close shot, Steve's refurbished cam cover looks a treat in a wrinkle finish black matte. Steve says he is pleased with the finish and we think its a great fit with the rest of the work Steve has done on his beautiful TA22 Toyota Celica.  

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Refurbished 2TG cam cover (aka engine cover) helps finish off Steve's engine bay in his TA22 Celica.

The Toyota Heritage exchange cam cover service can finish off any cam cover in any colour but we do tend to like the traditional matte black wrinkle and flame red finishes. Owners are required to ship their original cam cover to Toyota Heritage to get the process rolling. Sometimes we have a cam cover already complete and meets the customers requirements, but if we don't its about a 28 day turnaround. To date we've mostly done 2TG and 18RG covers and the odd 3SGE and 4AGE, but are able to do most any. 

Steve was also one of the early buyers of our 2T-G 2T-GR valve clearance decals (only  a few are left as these have been popular). Like so many of our customers who purchase our under bonnet (hood) decals Steve is most satisfied with how it too compliments his build on his TA22 Toyota Celica. When we reproduced these decals we spent a lot of time ensuring that the Japanese characters were all correct along with the fonts, pitch and spacing and of course the foil material. This has paid off for customers like Steve who's car is now looking splendid with such fine detail added.

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2T-G and 2T-GR Valve Clearance decal - just one of those fine detail products from Toyota Heritage that sets your build apart from others.

The 2T-G and 2T-GR valve clearance decals are available from the Toyota Heritage online store at this link:

If you wish to find out more details from Toyota Heritage about our cam cover exchange service then please send us an email using this address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Toyota Heritage moulded carpets help complete a beautiful MS75 Coupe

In the last half of 2021 we received an email from Bertrand in France who was in need of a moulded carpet for his beautiful MS75 Crown coupe. After having paid another vendor who never delivered the purchased carpet to Bertrand he had become a tad despondent. Then after being supplied a moulded carpet from Toyota Heritage, Bertrand has joined the ranks of our many happy customers. 

Bertrand had been noticing the Toyota Heritage posts on Facebook that had been shared to various Crown pages that he follows. In reaching out to Toyota Heritage Bertrand was seeking a vendor who could deliver a left hand drive moulded carpet  - make it and get it to him in France. 

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Moulded carpet from Toyota Heritage - on arrival at Bertrand's address.

Putting aside that we like to help all Toyota enthusiasts we could sense that Bertrand's experience with our competing vendor had not only left a bad impression with Bertrand but in fact they had let down Australia. 

initially we had to assure ourselves that the S60 series Crown moulded carpet we make and sell for the sedans and wagons would fit the coupe body. Some amount of internet sleuthing later and a bit of dimension data on the various body types and we knew that we could help.  

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Left Hand Drive MS75 Crown coupe moulded carpet - installed in Bertrands beautiful coupe.

The next piece in the puzzle was to work up the left hand drive fitment - again a lot of internet sleuthing down and pics galore we were certain we could make a LHD carpet for Bertrand.

Adding to this story was the fact that where we are located, Brisbane is prone to flooding with heavy seasonal rains...and just as our production schedule had Bertrand's carpet up for production the heavens opened. We had two flood events in our part of Brisbane this last summer as a result. Poor Bertrand was waiting patiently for his moulded carpet though. Finally we had it all made, packaged and shipped to Bertrand.

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Traditional type underlay chosen by Bertrand - works well with our moulded carpets as does other matting types.

Bertrand has now fitted his moulded carpet from Toyota Heritage and says it fits prefectly. Sharing some pics via his own Facebook page we can see that Betrand has used a traditional underlay and been able to fit the carpet with ease. With a new moulded carpet no doubt Bertrand's MS75 feels complete - because new carpets always make a car feel complete but also because this has been one long journey to reach this point.

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A perfect fit for Bertrand and Toyota Heritage!

If you wish to find out more details from Toyota Heritage about our moulded carpets then please send us an email using this address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


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The other half of the story - passenger side of Bertrands LHD MS75 Crown coupe.            

Ignition Leads for your Toyota

We assume that most owners of vintage and classic model Toyota vehicles already know that the largest manufacturers of ignition leads progressively cut their catalogues each year and sadly with this comes the challenge for owners to keep their cars on the road or track. Further impacting catalogues, and as much as we like EV conversions, is the threat to ignition lead manufacture that EV's bring (ie they don't need ignition leads).

With this is mind Toyota Heritage is working hard to develop its catalogue of ignition leads (and related ancillary parts). Over the last month we have listed some of the kits that we now make available to enthusiasts of older Toyota vehicles that have a four cylinder petrol power plant.

First up we listed in our online store ignition leads that suit vehicles sporting 3SGE engines. This also includes models such as the Toyota Celica GT-Four variants of the ST165, ST185 and ST205.

Our core objective here is to ensure that the ignition lead kits we offer provide the correct length of lead and the correct plug tube cups and distributor cups. All our leads are fitted with 1300 ohms per metre Ferrite Spiral Core conductor which by induction design delivers peak voltage to the plugs ensuring almost complete combustion for super quick starts and smooth running. Our leads are tested to ISO 3808 Standards.

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TH74577 ignition lead kits - for all models in the T180 series Toyota Celica and also some variants of the Toyota MR2 SW20.

We are currently working our way into the models that are powered by 4AGE and some of its variants. We are also commencing work for providing kits of basically all petrol engine Toyota models including those powered by six cylinder and V8 engines. There is a lot of ground to cover for this project as you may suspect, but its a labour of love for us here at Toyota Heritage. There may be some period where we list a kit in our store without a product photo and we ask you, our valued customers, to bear with us while we work through the processes that get a fully photographed listing up and running in our store.

In conjunction with our ignition lead catalogue project we are also developing a range of reproduction lead clips to hold your leads in the correct manner as per the OEM design. We had done some work in this area some time ago and its a pleasure to be picking it up again and running this smaller scale project in parallel to the leads. 

We are also happy to hear from any customers who are struggling to find their vehicle's ignition lead set in the market place. We can't promise miracles but our rapport with the OEM means that we can virtually source and supply a kit for most any Toyota model.

If you wish to find out more details from Toyota Heritage about our ignition lead catalogue project then please send us an email  using this address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


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TH54299 ignition lead kits - suited to later edition of the Toyota Celica ST185 and the ST205.            

New Dash Fascia for your Toyota MR2 SW20

Second generation Toyota MR2 owners, rejoice - your dash is now being reproduced to accommodate a whole range of performance and EV instrument clusters !

Here at Toyota Heritage we recognise the diverse range of use that our customers have for their chosen Toyota model.  The Toyota Heritage moto of "Love one - Love all" reflects this as we truly love all the ways in which our customers use their car.

In keeping with this moto and developing products to cater for a wide range of application we here at Toyota Heritage are very excited about the some additional reproduction dash fascia's we will be making and selling this month.

The second generation Toyota MR2 (SW20 and SW21) is one of the first Toyota models that comes to mind when we think about diverse use. As you and many others have seen that are used in many track applications, dry lake competition, rallying, restoration, daily driver and USA based EV Conversion specialist also provides a kit for BEV conversion of the SW20. 

Similar to other models for which we are making dash fascia's for, it all starts with making a basic blank model dash fascia. From this Toyota Heritage can configure and manufacture a dash that is essentially bespoke. Not only can we change out the instrument cluster from factory gauges to digital performance instrumentation such as Haltech but we can also swap in almost any unit including those suited to BEV conversion. 

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The 'blank' model - makes most any application of our second generation Toyota MR2 dash fascia possible.

We are still working at catering for a wide range of finishes on these dash fascias.  Carbon fibre, matte black and silver are all possible, and if you wanted something altogether different perhaps even a woodgrain finish is possible too. Let us know what floats your boat. 

Toyota Heritage is busy working away on reproduction dash fascia's for other Toyota models too. We're happy to hear from customers who may have another model in mind with a particular application too. Keep watching here in Latest News and also follow us on Facebook for more details.

The Toyota Heritage second generation Toyota MR2 SW20 reproduction dash fascia will be listed in our online store soon.

If you wish to find out more details from Toyota Heritage about our third generation Toyota MR2 SW20 reproduction dash fascia's then please send us an email  using this address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


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Second generation Toyota MR2 dash fascia configured for Haltech application .            

New Dash Fascia for your E30 E50 series Corolla

Third generation Toyota Corolla and Sprinter owners, the world is your oyster!

Here at Toyota Heritage we recognise the diverse range of use that our customers have for their chosen Toyota model.  The Toyota Heritage moto of "Love one - Love all" reflects this as we truly love all the ways in which our customers use their car.

In keeping with this moto and developing products to cater for a wide range of application we here at Toyota Heritage are very excited about the reproduction dash fascia's we will be making and selling soon.

The humble third generation Corolla is perhaps one of the most diversely used Toyota models we can think of. We have seen them used in many track applications, dry lake competition, rallying, restoration, daily driver and whilst we haven't seen one yet they are also an ideal candidate for BEV conversions. 

It all starts with making a basic blank model dash fascia. From this Toyota Heritage can configure and manufacture a dash that is essentially bespoke. Not only can we change out the instrument cluster from factory gauges to digital performance instrumentation such as Haltech but we can also swap in almost any unit including those suited to BEV conversion. 

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The 'blank' model - makes most any application of our third generatioin Corolla dash fascia possible.

Additionally our blank model also allows for swap out of the radio mounting or complete deletion if your performance application deems audio head units as a distraction. HVAC vents can also be deleted if you are looking to reduce weight! We can also modify the power socket from the old school style cigarette lighter to a modern double USB socket with cover. 

Work is also underway for options on the finish of your dash fascia.  Woodgrain, carbon fibre, matte black and silver are all possible. Let us know what floats your boat. 

Toyota Heritage is busy working away on reproduction dash fascia's for other Toyota models too. We're happy to hear from customers who may have another model in mind with a particular application too. Keep watching here in Latest News and also follow us on Facebook for more details.

The Toyota Heritage third generation Toyota Corolla and Sprinter reproduction dash fascia will be listed in our online store soon.

If you wish to find out more details from Toyota Heritage about the third generation Toyota Corolla and Sprinter reproduction dash fascia's then please send us an email  using this address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


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Third generation Corolla and Sprinter dash fascia configured for Haltech application .            

Brisbane Floods - An Update from Toyota Heritage

Many of you will by now have seen on television news some footage of the devastation caused by unrelenting rain and resulting flooding in South East Queensland ('SEQ') Australia. Toyota Heritage is located in Brisbane Australia, which is the capital city of Queensland and is situated smack in the middle of SEQ.

The good news is that by the Grace of God our business nor our homes have been directly impacted by the rain or flood waters. All of our people are safe and dry! This is certainly not the case for many other people across SEQ. Many businesses have been flooded and sadly seven lives have been lost. Out thoughts and prayers are with the people who have lost family or friends, and also with those businesses that have been impacted by the rain or flood waters.

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On the Sunshine Coast a young mother lost her Corolla to the flood waters - the local community have banded together to help her replace the car.

Toyota Heritage's business will be interrupted though. We will work hard to minimise the interruption. Access to our production facilities is currently severed by flood waters across major roads. Public transport has been halted and freight transport whilst still operating is doing so under constraints. Staff wise, we are in fact 'locked in' our suburb by a moat like circle of flood water that is across the only two routes in and out of our wonderful little semi-rural patch of Brisbane.  

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The saying is 'if its flooded forget it' - the QLD Police closed roads progressively as flood waters were rising.

We anticipate that we will be able to get our suppliers and production facilities at least by end of the week. Current orders and new orders over the next two weeks will most likely to take longer than our standard terms 28 days.

You can still purchase from our online store though. We just ask that our valued customers understand the current operating environment for Toyota Heritage now has an additional set of challenges. This will pass and we will get back to business as usual as soon as we can.

If you wish to find out more details from Toyota Heritage about the current impact to our business then please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


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Many homes across South East QLD have been flooded .            

Happy Customer in the UK - moulded carpet A20 Celica

Toyota Heritage's moulded carpets are selling to a global customer base.  Most popular have been moulded carpets for first generation (A20 series) Toyota Celicas closely followed by the fourth generation (S60 series) Toyota Crown. 

With Toyota Heritage's range being available in 18 colours for the first generation Celica and covering both wheel base lengths this not surprising .

Mick who lives in the UK recently ordered a moulded carpet for his RA28 Celica in black and in a plush pile. The photos below are of Mick's initial test fit.  As you can see Mick has used an underlay, which no doubt will add to the ride comfort of his RA28 and is something that Toyota Heritage would also recommend. 

 Although Mick is yet to fully install his moulded carpet in his RA28 Toyota Celica he says that the fit is good and he's happy with the fit.


Toyota GR Yaris snow

Seemed edge - fits nicely to the floor shape and where it should be for a faithful resto.

We think that Mick's paint work looks superb (from what we can see of it) and we here at Toyota Heritage are not only looking forward to hearing from Mick once final installation of the moulded carpet has taken place, but we'd also love to see some more photos of his RA28 Toyota Celica once restoration is completed.

Thank you to Mick - not only do we love to hear from happy customers but also for supplying pics of the test fit of the moulded carpet.

If you are interested in purchasing a moulded carpet for your first generation (A20 series) Toyota Celica you can email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or go direct to the A20 Series Toyota Celica section of our store by clicking the following link:


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Partly installed and with underlay - a good complimentry product for a really nice install!            

All Japanese Day Sunday 27th February- Toyota Heritage will be there! (2)

Not long now until the All Japanese Day is going to be held at Earnshaw State College, here in Brisbane (Australia) - Sunday 27th February is marked in our calendars here at Toyota Heritage and the alarms are already set for the early morning start.

The All Japanese Day is a great day for car enthusiasts of all makes and models, but of course especially those who love Japanese vintage and classic cars. Its generally a great family day out too with a few food vendors, especially a coffee cart and BBQ delights, but overall its the weather we have here in Brisbane during February that makes this event a summer sensation. With an early start the All Japanese Day can even by a stop and drop with enough time left in your Sunday to make your way up to our 'to die for' Queensland beaches on the Sunshine Coast!

At the last event that Toyota Heritage attended there was an estimated 1200 cars on the Earnshaw State College sports oval - I think no other car show event here in QLD possobly has such a turn out. We certainly had a hoot seeing all the wonderful and great models that Toyota have built over the years and what the competing marques have also produced - but it was meeting and speaking with our customers that we enjoyed the most!

Toyota Heritage will have a marquee set-up so you can chat with us out of the sun. We will also have a table full of Toyota Heritage reproduction parts as well as some of the OEM parts that we have in our store at present. We will also have a couple of customer's cars with us (hoping to have Zac's wonderful SW20 once again).

We know we have been hard to contact over the last six to eight months, so this is a great chance to meet us, get to know the folks behind the Toyota Heritage business and ask about our spare parts - we certainly look forward to seeing you there!