Many of you will by now have seen on television news some footage of the devastation caused by unrelenting rain and resulting flooding in South East Queensland ('SEQ') Australia. Toyota Heritage is located in Brisbane Australia, which is the capital city of Queensland and is situated smack in the middle of SEQ.
The good news is that by the Grace of God our business nor our homes have been directly impacted by the rain or flood waters. All of our people are safe and dry! This is certainly not the case for many other people across SEQ. Many businesses have been flooded and sadly seven lives have been lost. Out thoughts and prayers are with the people who have lost family or friends, and also with those businesses that have been impacted by the rain or flood waters.
On the Sunshine Coast a young mother lost her Corolla to the flood waters - the local community have banded together to help her replace the car.
Toyota Heritage's business will be interrupted though. We will work hard to minimise the interruption. Access to our production facilities is currently severed by flood waters across major roads. Public transport has been halted and freight transport whilst still operating is doing so under constraints. Staff wise, we are in fact 'locked in' our suburb by a moat like circle of flood water that is across the only two routes in and out of our wonderful little semi-rural patch of Brisbane.
The saying is 'if its flooded forget it' - the QLD Police closed roads progressively as flood waters were rising.
We anticipate that we will be able to get our suppliers and production facilities at least by end of the week. Current orders and new orders over the next two weeks will most likely to take longer than our standard terms 28 days.
You can still purchase from our online store though. We just ask that our valued customers understand the current operating environment for Toyota Heritage now has an additional set of challenges. This will pass and we will get back to business as usual as soon as we can.
If you wish to find out more details from Toyota Heritage about the current impact to our business then please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.